Seagrams VO
Taste a private blend originally intended for the family of a whisky magnate.
Seagram’s approached us with a question, “How might we take a once historic brand like Seagram’s VO, which is largely viewed as ‘your grandfathers’ drink and turn that notion on its head and evoke emotions relevant to today’s consumer?”
Taking the storied history of Seagram’s VO we made a spot to feel like an exhibit, a celebration of craftsmanship and most importantly, legacy.
The Results
With the brand elevated, Seagram’s VO set out with a new price point to serve it\’s clients wanting a more premium drinking experience in Canadian markets. After seeing the campaign, the CEO had this to say, “I haven’t cursed in about 3 days, so I feel like I’m due, but this is f***ing brilliant!”
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The Result
Notable Recognitions
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SWAY Vodka Soda
SWAY Vodka Soda
A celebration of Fizz, Fruit, and Fun.